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Market Report

CO2 Reduction Tools Report

CO2 emissions
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Written by

Selma P. Utonih

Power Analyst

MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering from Reykjavik University - Iceland School of Energy. Previously worked at Namibia Power Corporation as an energy trader scheduling and optimising the company's power plant assets.


The report’s market insights were powered by the sourcing of data from Greenfact’s exclusive data partnerships with renewable energy market participants, forward market deals, utilizing the company’s broad network of market participants to determine the drivers behind prices and trends, and obtaining other relevant information.

Additionally, thorough research of all relevant information and policies was done and further data was also obtained from reliable, public sources to create a comprehensive and credible report.


  1. Comprehensive overview of the price development and premium about other European origin Guarantees of Origin (GOs)
  2. Analysis of Dutch Guarantees of Origin supply and forecast
  3. Analysis of demand trends in the Dutch market
  4. Guarantees of Origin price outlook based on historical growth rates and future commitments for non-residential consumers and willingness to pay study for renewable energy adapted for the Netherlands for residential consumers.

Ideal for

  • Understanding the history, market fundamentals, and price development of Dutch Guarantees of Origin
  • Corporations and institutions looking to comprehend Dutch Guarantees of
  • Origin markets and prices before making a capital budgeting decision
  • Generators and energy consumers looking to price Guarantees of Origin before Power Purchase Agreements